About Faculty

Dean of Faculty
Prof. Assoc. Dr. Tidita Abdurrahmani tabdurrahmani@beder.edu.al
Faculty Website


Welcome to the Faculty of Technology and Business!

As the newest Faculty of University College Bedër but also a very aspiring one in terms of the study profiles it offers and the academic, research and professional perspective of the fields of study it covers, the Faculty of Technology and Business promises to comprise a qualitative new step in the formation and qualification of professionals in the field of technology, computer science, economics and business as well as future scholars involved in research for sustainable development as a whole.

The mission of this faculty is to contribute to innovation in technology, business and economy and sustainable development on a national and regional level, by implementing ideas and projects that impact human life and society through a philosophy of education that has universal values ​​and support for scientific research at its basis.

Through a qualitative teaching based on the development of professional skills and competencies in students and through applied scientific research, the Faculty of Technology and Business aims and engages to educate students, as dignified citizens and successful professionals contributing to the most strategic sectors of the Albanian society.

Main objectives of the Faculty of Technology and Business

The main objectives and activities of the Faculty of Technology and Business will be oriented and developed in response to the basic legal requirements for higher education in the Republic of Albania as well in accordance with quality assurance and academic standards.

The new dimension of the Faculty of Technology and Business aims to combine within the same main unit, but also within the same study programs profiles such as economics, information and communication technology, computer science, and research for sustainable development and innovation thereby contributing to the market entry of the students in the so much sought for professions.

The programs offered by this faculty aspire to be updated with the latest developments of the field and based on modern curricula and contemporary teaching methods train students and future professionals capable feeling personally and professionally self-fulfilled in the dynamic labor market of these profiles.

Members of dean:

Nr. Title Name Surname e-Mail
1 Prof. Asoc. Dr. Tidita Abdurrahmani tabdurrahmani@beder.edu.al
2 Dr. Arti Omeri aomeri@beder.edu.al
3 Dr. Sofokli Garo sgaro@beder.edu.al
4 Dr.  Elda Dollija edollija@beder.edu.al
5 Dr. Ana Uka auka@beder.edu.al