Office of Career Planning

The Office of Career Planning develops activities designed to bring together institutions in the public and private sectors with current students and graduates thereby offering qualified human resources to these institutions.
The Office organizes:
Introductory meetings between graduates and institutions in different sectors;
Information for students about appropriate professions;
Work experience;
Career opportunities;
Links between students and possible future employers.
Information for students and assistance through seminars about the job search process, CV writing, and how to achieve success in preliminary interviews.
The organization of activities to maintain relations between students even after graduation is among the priorities of the Office of Career Planning. The Office, in cooperation with the Human Resources Office, maintains a student and alumni database.

Career counselors by Departments:
PhD. Ada Guven - Department of Law
MSc. Ejona Bodo- Department of Computer Sciences
MSc. Rudi Dunga - Department of Communication Sciences
MSc Neliada Memushaj - Department of English Language and Literature
MSc. Rudina Cinari - Department of Islamic Sciences
MSc. Kriselda Gura - Department of Economy and Business
Head of Office

Rudina Çinari

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