The University Library
Bedër University College Library functions as an integral part of the university. Library services are performed by employees specially assigned by the University and are available only to students and academic staff. The Library is located on the ground floor of the University building and occupies an area of 200 square meters. The aim of the Library is to support the educational and academic activities of both academic staff and students.
The library has a capacity of 60 seats. The reading room is designed so that students can use it for both study and research.
The Library contains books and publications covering various social fields, but principally those on which the University’s activities are focused, such as: Law, Communication Sciences, English literature, Islamic studies, Turkish literature, Psychology and Education Sciences.
The Library collection consists of titles specifically purchased for the library or donated by individuals and institutions. Books are chosen in accordance with demand and the needs of students and the administrative and academic staff. The library currently holds 35 000 books. In the near future, it will also provide online access to both books and research works.
Services offered to students
The Library staff is committed to assisting and advising students and other members of staff in finding the books and other resources needed for the process of education and research. Every user is issued with a personal card. Before becoming a member users are made aware of the rules for using the Library, and must agree to these before they can enroll. Library’s materials may be used in the library room or may be borrowed for a specified period of time.
Access to the library
Library attendance is increasing day by day. The Library is open every day from 08.00 - 12.00 and from 01.00 - 17.00. Both students and staff may use the comfortable library amenities, where they will find all necessary facilities. The Library operates on a self-service basis, so that students are able to choose books themselves, making the use of materials easier. Although students mainly use the Library to access literature in their field of study, at the same time they may use it as a convenient place for internet access.
In order to know the available books of the library you may click this link: