120 teachers of Albanian language and literature got trained over digital platforms of teaching process
120 teachers of Albanian language and literature got trained over digital platforms of teaching process
This workshop organized by the Faculty of Philology and Education in College University Beder in cooperation with DAR Tirana brought together several primary and high school teachers from Tirana district.
As the main topic’s of the activity we can mention: teaching of Albanian language and literature through new digital ways in this process, their actual relationship and future perspectives in the teaching process etc.
The discussion panel brought together Prof. Dr. Dhurata Shehri, Head of Literature Department in the Faculty of Philology and History in Tirana State University, which spoke over the differences of classical and new digital ways of teaching this course to the students.
“Today’s students must get used of a new way of learning Albanian language and literature. Concretely not by interpretation of the given text but by a critical thinking open to new perspectives in this context”- she said.
Then Prof. Assoc. Dr. Rahim Ombashi, Head of the Faculty of Education in Beder referred over the artistic reading in digital era, also he mentioned that educators must allow the students to explore and value more the artistic reading.
The last speaker, Prof. Assoc. Dr. Enkeleda Kapia, Head of applied Lexicology and Linguistics Department, spoke over the close relationship between linguistics competences and digital platforms, which in fact help the students to improve in their linguistics skills without turning the course in digitalization depending.
The activity went further with more questions from the participants which gave an interactivity form to the workshop.