5th International Conference on English Language and Literature
Bedër University College in cooperation with the University of Tirana, Burch University and the British Council, organized the Fifth International Conference on English Language and Literature. In this conference participated from Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, the Netherlands, Turkey and America.
During the parallel sessions, there was a variety of presentations from the research work of participating academics, touching on different topics and issues, and by conveying new ideas and suggestions for listeners.
The Department of English Language and Literature has already turned the tradition of involving students by giving them the opportunity to present their research work at such conferences, where there was a large number of student attendance. Their presentations had a very positive impact both on other students and academics who already have experience in this field.
Bedër University College develops ICESS 2018
Faculty of Philology and Education, Department of Education Sciences at "Bedër" University College, in cooperation with the University of Shkodra "Luigj Gurakuqi", organized for the sixth consecutive year the International Conference on Educational Sciences and Social Sciences: "Challenges in Science Education and Social Sciences for the 21st Century ".
The conference was attended by about 40 referrals from 6 different countries around the world. ICESS 2018 is an international interdisciplinary conference that brings together scholars, researchers, lecturers and graduate students to share experiences and findings of their research work, and to discuss current challenges in the field the science of education and social sciences and the solutions proposed to face these challenges.
The conference papers were greeted by the Dean of the Faculty of Philology and Education, and the conference's head, Prof. Neither. Dr. Tidita Abdurrahmani, as well as from the Head of Education at the University of Shkodra "Luigj Gurakuqi", Ms. Eranda Halluni, which outlined some of the problems that currently accompany the education sciences and social sciences at the level of education institutions of higher education and pre-university education.
Rector of the "Bedër" University College, Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Gjana shared with the audience the importance and the fruits of organizing such activities in the field of education and social sciences and emphasized the importance of education as the main promoter in the development of the economy and the assurance of social stability. He expressed his confidence that the conference would come up with valuable recommendations to convey to policymakers in the field of education and social service.
The works of this conference were also welcomed by representatives of international organizations operating in the field of education in Albania, Blerina Celoaliaj, program director at Save the Children Albania, Brisida Jahaj, education expert at "World Vision Albania". Topics such as quality and inclusive education, global education, and the need to contribute to university education of future teachers were brought to the center of discussions of these civil society representatives.
Finally, Mrs. Jahaj, invited as the main speaker, presented World Vision Albania's study of functional illiteracy, accompanied by recommendations for systemic interventions to reduce this phenomenon.
The first international conference on Islamic Sciences was held
"Bedër" University College in cooperation with the Muslim Community of Albania organized today the First International Conference on Islamic Sciences on "Challenges of Muslims in the Society of the 21st Century".
The conference hosted around 40 academics from different fields, coming from Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and others.
The conference addressed the current social problems of Muslims all over the world, providing solutions with a clear Islamic and social vision in favor of Muslim integration in the societies in which they live, becoming a factor of stability, peace and hope for each country.
In his opening speech, the Chairman of the Conference, at the same time the Head of Islamic Sciences Department at "Bedër", Dr. Genti Kruja, after welcoming the participants to the activity, focused on the importance of addressing the issues of Islamic faith all over the world on such scientific platforms.
"Among the greatest challenges facing humanity in general and Muslims in particular, first comes the education and education, which are left to be desired in most Muslim-populated countries. Muslims should urgently return to education and education with the Islamic spirit and education, intertwined with contemporary and contemporary sciences, because no knowledge of wisdom and knowledge comes to nothing but benefit, progress, culture, prosperity, and peaceful coexistence " , said Dr. Kruje.
The opening ceremony continued with the greeting speech of the President of the Muslim Community of Albania, H. Skender Bruçaj, who expressed enthusiasm for the contribution of participating academics in finding the most appropriate solutions to some of the current problems of Islamic faith in Albania , neighboring countries and beyond.
"A century ago, a Muslim scholar of that time, stressed that the main problems of Muslims are three: the first, the poverty that gripped them; second, ignorance and lack of knowledge; third, the disagreement between them. Despite the fact that a century has passed, it seems that these problems continue to be unresolved and even deepened. It is precisely this that should be our main challenge as Muslims, to improve our spiritual, scientific, cultural and economic situation as a whole and, consequently, the society in which we live. We pray to Allah that this conference, as a modest effort, serves to shed light on the challenges we have mentioned and to provide the right solutions to today's problems "- he stressed during his speech.
Further on, the Speaker of the State Committee for Cults, Loreta Aliko, praised the institutions that cooperated in the organization of this conference. Mrs. Aliko focused on the supporting policies of the institution she leads in securing constitutional rights and freedoms of faith in our country.
"Today's conference, but similar similar events that have been developed in previous years, are a clear proof that cult institutions in our country are doing a great deal of work in preserving the values and traditions of our forefathers in consolidating of the society with universal moral values. In this regard, the support of the Covenant Community will be unconditional because identification and resolution of identity problems is in our common good, "she concluded.
Rector of the "Bedër" University College, Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Gjana, after welcoming the participants and expressing enthusiasm for the work of the participating scholars, emphasized the current situation of Muslims in the world today.
"It is the duty and primary responsibility of all of us, Muslims all over the world, to initially understand and live righteously to Islam, as it is by itself, peaceful and tolerant, and then make a small contribution to the narrow circles local organizations with such similar arrangements, "said Rector Reed Bedr in his speech.
After the end of the greeting, Dr. Mustafa Ceric, President of the Bosnian World Congress, Sarajevo and at the same time the special guest of this conference, shared with the audience a number of current aspects of the topic in question.
"We are interested in living and working together because of origin, autochthony in these Balkan lands, religion, culture, and tradition that we feed. I express my gratitude to the President of the Muslim Community and to all those who, with their contribution, made possible the organization of this conference as necessary, as well as actual for the needs of the time in which we live. We, as Muslims, are also part of the problem of resolving the situation. It is up to us to choose where we want to be. We must begin to learn to live united in diversity, to respect one another as we say we love it for the sake of the Creator, "said Dr. Ceric during his speech.
After referring to Dr. Cordic, the conference continued its work in several parallel sessions with various topics, where the participating scholars shared with students and other present guests such topics as "Islamic Religious Islam in Albania Throughout history", "The Role of Muslims in European Society", "Facing Muslims with the Test of Hypocrisy in the Society of the Century XXI "," Globalization, pluralism and identity crisis "," The necessity of religion in modern society ".
Legal framework for states cooperation in managing the refugee migrant crisis
Department of Law at University College Beder, in cooperation with the Faculty of Law at Ljubljana University, Slovenia, organized the first International Conference on the topic: “Legal framework for states cooperation in managing the refugee migrant crisis”.
The opening ceremony of the conference was attended by the Vice Ambassador of Slovenia Ms. Masa Šiftari, Prof. Dr. Vasilka Sancin, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law at Ljubljana University, the Rector of our Institution Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Gjana, Head of Law Department at Beder University Mr. Ferdinand Xhaferaj, different academics coming from several Balkan countries, special guests and dozens of students.
After the opening speech of the chairman of the conference Mr. Xhaferaj, which welcomed all the guests and expressed his thanks to the cooperating institution representatives for concretizing this activity. After that, he left the speech to Vice Ambasador Ms. Šiftari which expressed her enthusiasm for the cooperation between the two countries not only in government level but also in academic level at this conference shows it clearly.
The Rector, Mr. Gjana, after delivering with the participants the importance of managing this type of crisis in nowdays, he emphasized that our common future should be built by the contribution of all of us so the mission of finding the best solutions for this crisis should be concrete as soon as possible.
After the opening ceremony the conference went further in parallel sessions where the participating speakers delivered different aspects regarding not only the migrant crisis actuality but also the best solutions adopted in each case.
Among the many topics that were addressed by the guests we can mention: “National security and the asylum right”, “Migration in international law”, “International security of migrants in the context of human rights”, “Legal implementations in solving migrant crisis and the challenge for management”.
Extremism in 21-st Century, The Role of Law, Media and Culture
University College Beder in cooperation with “Aldo Moro” University in Bari, Italy, organized the 5-th International Conference in human sciences with the subject: “Extremism in 21-st Century, Role of Law, Media and Culture”
Same as in previous editions the conference brought together academics, experts and profesionists of different fields to exchange experiences and scientific conclusions about the topic of the conference.
The conference papers were mainly focused on the role of law, media and culture in the context of violent extremism. This is evidenced by the diversity of the papers, such as: "Reporting Religious Topics in Online Media", "Religious Freedom", "The Role of Intercultural Dialogue with Society," "Rule of Law Contrary to Violent Extremism," " The Principle of Justice to Prevent Extremism "," Religious Pluralism in the Primary Source of Islam "etc.
After the opening session where attended a considered number of personalities, representatives of cooperative institutions, academic, media etc, the conference continued in several parallel sessions.
4-rth International Conference on English Language and Literature
English Department in University College Beder, in cooperation with the British Council in Tirana, International Burch University in Sarajevo and Tirana University, organized the 4-rth consecutive International Conference on English Language and Literature.
Same as in the previous editions the conference brought together different language experts, translators, students and academics, from several foreign countries, as: USA, Holland, Greece and Macedonia.
In the opening ceremony, Dr. Isa Erbaş, the conference chairman, expressed his enthusiasm for continued success and the contribution of the conference in the development of English language and literature.
The rector of the Institution Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Gjana, praised the ongoing cooperation between the partners in organizing the fourth edition of this platform and highlighted that the contribution of Beser will always be continuous and numerous with such activities.
As keynote speakers in this edition of the conference were: PhD. Caspar Ten Den from Holland, which refereed over “The Alien ‘Other’ and/or the Identifiable Us in Recent English-Language Accounts of the Chechen” and PhD. William K. MARTIN from USA with the theme: “Stylistics: an Effective Approach to Literary Analysis”
The International Conference on English Language and Literature continued in several parallel sessions addressing a considered number of scientific themes, as we can mention: “The Influence of social media in language acquisition: Advantages and disadvantages of the issue”, “Personality Development and Communication Patterns”, “Transcription and Transliteration in translating literature from Russian into English and Albanian”, “What does Playing Games teach us about a Student's Ethical Life?” etc.
First International Virtual Conference in English Language and Literature
The Department of English Language and Literature in Beder University in collaboration with British Council in Tirana and International BURCH University in Sarajevo organized the second international conference in English Language and Literature.
This conference, being a virtual one, was the first of its kind and it joint together a considerable number of academics and students from all around the world.
Various referrers from United States of America, Malaysia, Albania, Georgia, Macedonia and Nigeria presented their articles related to different aspects of English language and literature through a live broadcast via Skype. While the participating students that followed the presentations in the same way made the conference more interactive via their questions and comments.
The Chairperson of this conference, Dr. Mahmut Terci, having thanked all the participants for their attendance in this activity expressed his enthusiasm about the fact that English language and literature, currently being an object of study, creates through innovative technologies the space for a rapid development in the field.
Conference proceeded further in several sessions. Among the topics covered so far by the referees are: "Redefining Culture And Literature In Today's World Of Science ", "Using Instructional Technologies In ELT", "Armoury For The Language Teacher: Action Research" and others.