130 thousand book titles from "EBSCO Host Academic eBook Collection" added to university's library fund
130 thousand titles of books are added to library fund of “Hëna e Plotë” (Bedër) University. Thanks to the agreement signed with the EBSCO Host online library, now students and academic staff can use the fund of electronic library EBSCO Host.
The contract provides full access to the catalogs of Academic eBook Collection EBSCO Host, who were selected in accordance with the fields of study offered by our university. Students and academic staff can provide this service by visiting the link
http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip, uid & profile = ehost & defaultdb = nlebk or by visiting the library library.beder.edu.al
The service is available only through the website which owns university IP. Access at electronic library, through contract with EBSCO Host, is just the first step in this direction. University will enrich the library with other platforms that provide electronic library, in order to give students and staff, greater opportunities in research and study.