Assessment certificate for the best scientific work

Hëna e Plotë, Bedër University hosted the Awards ceremony for students who took part in the competitions organized for the best scholarly work in the bachelor and master program.
The Rector of Beder University Mr. Ferdinand Gjana congratulated the students for their achievements stressing that the turnout could have been higher but is still a good start and organization of competitions, as the first of its kind, has been at a good level. Also he did not leave without mentioning the fact that the awards ceremony, can be considered as modest, but it is worth emphasizing the importance of price which is taken as a good indicator of student achievement .
Also, he emphasized the fact that these awards are the first steps in the career of students, which at the same time, combine their names with Hena e Plote, Beder University. At the end of the speech, Mr. Gjana distributed the certificates of the first places.
As Director of the Office of Research Dr. Bajram Karcı after congratulating the students for their achievements and thanking his staff members for their contribution to the organization of competitions emphasized the value of research in the academic life of the university and provided support for the Beder University academic staff and students.Dr. Karcı explained that the idea of organizing competitions, aimed to raise awareness on the importance of research to students at the beginning of their academic career. He mentioned that during the competition, all participants had the opportunity along with their peers to learn how to write a research project proposal, the manner of his appearance and manner of writing thesis and a research report.
Winners of first and second palce for the best scientific paper at the bachelor level were Ana Haxhiu and Khadim Rufati while the winner of contest for the best master thesis was Nereid Shehu.