Award ceremony for the Youth English Essay Competition
Bedër University College held, for the sixth consecutive year, the award ceremony for the Youth English Essay Competition among high schools. 147 students from 32 public and private high schools participated in the competition with the topic "How has globalization affected education and education opportunities around the world".
The program set off with the welcoming speech of the head of the Department of English Language and Literature, Dr. Lokman Coşkun, who thanked all attendees and participants in the competition stressing the importance of writing in organizing thoughts, feelings, and ideas, as well as improving communication and English skills.
Then the Vice-Rector for International Relations and Lecturer at the Department of English Language and Literature, Dr. William K. Martin gave a presentation on the topic "The Elements of Academic Scripture" where he gave special importance to the writing psychology, the pre-writing process, the essay and paragraph structure, and most importantly; plagiarism and the worst fear for a student; an empty sheet.
The ceremony ended with the awards; the best three essays from public schools; Emiliano Simaku, Eljo Leka, and Mikela Sula, from the Ismail Qemali High School; the best three from private schools; Breana Shehetila from Turgut Özal College, Antonio Bitri from the Harry Fultz Institute, and Aurora Mana from Mehmet Akif College, and the best essay Era Kasmi from Turgut Özal College. The winners received a 100% scholarship from Bedër University College while all participants were awarded a certificate of participation. Afterwards, students and teachers had the opportunity to give their opinion about the organization and the winners during the interviews.