Back to Beder as Professionals

In the framework of the "Back to Beder a Professionals" activity, a conversation was held between graduates and students of the Department of Law. In this meeting were invited Ermal Mema, employed as legal assistant at the Bendo, Legal & Financial studio, Mandrit Kamolli, employed as project assistant at the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and Armando Sina, employed as a lawyer at a law firm "ADCA". During the conversation, the guests explained their experiences as students in Bedër and their engagement in extracurricular activities, which influenced their further training, enabling the continuation of master studies in European countries such as France, England and Italy. They then paused on their work experience by giving students advice and orienting themselves on the steps they need to follow in order to be able to become part of the labor market. The activity was attended by students who established contact with graduates.