Bedër Alumni Awards 2019
06 Maj 2019
Bedër University College organized for the third consecutive year the award ceremony for graduates. In this event were attended graduates, academic and administrative staff who have given the university's contribution over the years, as well as distinguished figures from the field of literature, culture, art and education.
The ceremony was opened by the representative of the Graduate Office, Jola Marku, who emphasized that this office under the example of western universities aims to influence the shaping of a culture in terms of university-graduate activities and relations. She said that the experience of graduates in the professional field is a support to the institution and not only they are also a valuable help and reference for other graduates or graduate students.
Then the speech was received by the Rector of Bedër University College, Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Gjana, who said that this activity is a form of motivation that supports the successes of graduates, having the confidence that will be on the rise. He also described the support that graduates give to each other in the name of common achievements.
During the ceremony, a total of 9 prizes were awarded, from which 6 awards were awarded as gratitude and encouragement for former students who have become inspirational models thanks to their work and achievements in professional careers. Meanwhile, 3 other special awards were selected by the academic staff of the university to accord personalities in the field of arts, science, culture, literature and education for their contribution.
Career Award was awarded to Desara Dushi graduate with the motto "For the outstanding professional achievements reflecting the example of a prominent professional in his field and becoming a source of inspiration for students, graduates and the community as a whole" .
The "Beder Award" was awarded to the Erzen Carja graduates with the motto "For the valuable intellectual and material contribution offered to Beder College College with an impact on reputation enhancement and by supporting graduates of graduates and students in easier integration with the market work or professional growth ".
Eagle's winner was Trendelina Omuri, with the motto 'For the distinguished activity in raising awareness and taking social responsibilities for the benefit of society while keeping alive the national cultural values'
Price 'Hajj. Vehbi Dibra 'was awarded the diploma of Migena Jani, with the motivation "For the valuable contribution in education, science, art and social peace by conveying moral, ethical and universal values in Albanian society and beyond it in the footsteps of the bright figure of H. Vehbi Debar. "
Zamira Aga won the Women Empowerment Award with the motivation "To support, encourage, co-operate, and endeavor to empower the role of women as a great force of our society, creating more social, political and economic security for them ".
The Young Entrepreneurs Award was awarded to the graduate Olta Peca with the motivation "On entrepreneurial initiatives, providing innovative ideas and projects in certain areas of service as an inspirational model for other graduates, for students as well as for the community as a whole".
During the ceremony were awarded special prizes where the winners were Mr. Patozi with the motivation "For special contribution and dedication in the field of education for years, by conveying to young people the love of knowledge, of social, religious and patriotic values".
Professor Hamit Boriçi was praised with the motto "For the valuable contribution to the opening and supplementation of the journalism department, the design of study programs, university textbooks as well as for research and innovation; everything put in the service of qualitative preparation of media professionals and scholars. " This award was awarded by the Chairman of the PCC Bujar Spahiu, who praised the ceremony and efforts of teachers to teach younger generations.
The students of the Second Scientific Master in Public Relations and Journalism, under the leadership of the Edlira Mali lecturer, won the award with the motivation "For the distinguished activity in raising awareness and taking social responsibilities for the benefit of society while keeping alive the national cultural values." The prize was awarded from former chairman of KMSH Mr. Skender Brucaj who appreciated the support that the academic staff and the students give each other to succeed in the professional field.
Ceremonies like these are part of the models and practices followed by other well-known universities as a form of return of former students to the bays of educational institutions, already as colleagues among them.