Bedër as a Partner of Observatory of Local Autonomy
For the first time, Albania is represented in the Observatory of Local Autonomy (OLA).
Having been created on January 28, 2008, (OLA) is a network of researchers and civil society, all of them being qualified in the study of local autonomy and the administration of local power. The network joins 64 research teams, one or more than one from each member state of European Union, and Moldavia, Montenegro, Serbia, Russia, Turkey as well, and, recently, even Albania.
Higher Education Institution “Hëna e Plotë” Bedër is the only institution that represents Albania in this network, whose aim is the study of local autonomy, multilevel governing, the management of local power, and other issues deriving from these concepts.
Bedër was represented in this network by Mr. Ferdinand Xhaferraj, the Head of Law Department that presented a national report on the local governing of Albania at the last symposium organized by OLA in “Comenius” University in Bratislava- Slovakia. This presentation was highly evaluated by the General Assembly of Observatory of Local Autonomy.