Bedër brings together researchers and academics from 13 countries around the world
Department of English Language and Literature at the Bedwr University, in collaboration with the British Council in Tirana and Sarajevo International BURCH University, organized the first international conference in English language and literature.
This interdisciplinary conference that brought together academics, researchers, and students of different levels, aims to create a cozy environment for the exchange of experiences and research work and to discuss possible solutions in this field.
In this first edition, the conference has approximately 40 reference came from 13 different countries of the world such as USA, England, Germany, Romania, Turkey, India, Iran, Nigeria, Hungary, Ukraine, Poland, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Egypt and of course Albania getting so an international character.
As keynote speakers at the conference were invited: 1. Prof. Stephen Tapscott, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. 2- PD.Dr. Miriam Wallraven, Eberhard Karls Tubingen University, Germany 3- Prof. Dr. Adina Ciugureanu, Ovidius University, Romania.
Chairman of the conference Dr. Mahmut Tertius, in his speech, thanked the participants for their presence at the event. He he expressed his enthusiasm about the fact that now the language and English literature, turned into an object of study in such platform, leaves room for further development in this field.
"Everyone of us is unique in its kind, hiding a treasure in itself, let it be this conference an opportunity to enrich as many of these treasures." - He concluded.
While Beder University Rector, Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Gjana, in his speech said that the institution he leads, by organizating such ongoing activities, has confirmed that the extension of scientific tradition is an integral part of the mission of the university.
"I hope this conference to be as successful as any conference held to date by the institution, at the same time i wish a pleasant stay in Tirana to all participants who have come from the other countries" - concluded his speech Mr. Gjana.
Among the topics covered so far by the refereers are: "The Effect of English culture in the teaching process", "criticism of psychoanalysis as a method in the interpretation of language", "How to use models of short stories in educational practice?", "Meanings of ideological language, "" Marriage and Divorce in the Albanian society over the years "etc.
The conference will continue its work from 20 to 21 November 2015.