Blendi Fevziu elected "Journalist of the Year 2011" by Students of “Hëna e Plotë”(Bedër) University.
At the opening session of the conference, well-known ed journalist and analyst, Fevziu Blendi, was handed price "Journalist of the Year", with motivation as the most successful journalist in 2011. The award was given after a survey organized by the students of the Department of Communication Sciences at the university level, where the reports showed that Mr. Fevziu was elected as the best of the year.
While thanking the students for the grant award, Fevziu said that unlike other assessments that are done in his career as a journalist, this award has special value because is given by the students. He said that today's students are at a level to be admired. “Let me thank you for this assessment, as the price gets more valuable when it comes from the students. I want to share with you one thing that i have seen on my visits in the last 3 months, either to promote the book, but also other cases. I am very impressed by the high level of the students” he said.
Fevziu said, since the beginning of the 90 Albanian media has improved a lot. According to him, the working conditions at the beginnings of free journalism Albanian were very bad, whereas nowadays the quality and standards have risen sharply. By making a comparison between generations of journalism, he said that at the beginning of free media, everything had started from the beginning , without a pattern, while now days comparisons can not be made.