Blogger Olti Curri invited to the MarCom seminars
The tradition of MarCom's seminar cycle organized by the Department of Communication Sciences at Bedër University College this academic year opened its curtain by welcoming the well-known blogger Mr. Olti Curri.
The topic that Olti referred in this seminar was "Engaging Audiences in Digital Marketing". Conversation with students focused on the methods used in digital marketing to attract and retain audiences from social media, portals, bloggers, and various characters.
Topics during the conversation, multiple questions from students included ongoing changes in social networks, recent trends, how to manage profiles and social media pages to provide as many clicks and followers as possible, the influence of the virtual world has on the new, the consequences of using the Albanian language, the risk of misinformation messages on Facebook and the need to be young people who run their lives rather than examples on social networks or the virtual world, social importance for the development of today's youth and the influence they can have on structuring the country's future.
Due to the high interest of students and Olt's desire to meet the young students from Bedër University College, all agreed to hold similar meetings in the future.