Brajan Sukaj, winner at Book Fair 2019, invited to Bedër

The writer and winner of the "Tirana 2019" fair with the novel "Ciklopi" Brajan Sukaj was invited by the Book Club at University College Bedër.
The meeting was opened by pedagogue Agron Tufa, who made a panoramic view of the theme subject, while expressing his appreciation for the writer of the novel.
"Motherly love is the firstborn, sublime and capable of any kind of sacrifice. This sacrifice tells us through the novel, "said Tufa.
Further, the difficulties of the writing process, the dilemmas, and the assumptions of the author were discussed. Sukaj described his novel as a logic of American literature, "Show but do not tell," considering that in the novel things appear even though they are not said.
Mr. Sukaj said that the novel addresses the theme of the difference that is excluded from society. As literature has described as complementary to the story of things that are happening, they have either happened or are likely to occur.
At the end of the meeting, a conversation was held with students who had curiosity on the topic addressed in the novel and writing style.