"Developing and Learning Standards for Children 3-6 Years"
08 Maj 2019
Following a series of activities organized by the Department of Education Sciences for the Professional Formation of Students, a seminar was organized by Mrs. Ermelinda Ikonomi, UNICEF Advisor who contributed to the education sector, mainly in the field of inclusive education as well as early childhood development and learning.
Ms. Ermelinda Ikonomi as a specialist in the field of Education mainly in the design of programs and trainings dealing with "Children Abandoning School", "Inclusive Education", "Violence against Children in Schools" and "Age Learning Process early ", shared with the students theoretical aspects and practical studies on the importance of early childhood.
During the seminar students were introduced to the education policies and the importance of the development and learning standards of children 3-6 years old in different countries of the world as well as in Albania where the focus is not just the survival of young children but above all their holistic health. Different countries understand the importance of the first years of life, including family and society. Only by investing in early childhood, when the child grows, this investment returns to society.