Discussion panel "Ruaj traditën, festo shqip"
A group of students from the Master Program of Science, the Journalism and Public Relations branch gathered at a round table, researchers and artists in the framework of the campaign "Ruaj traditën, festo shqip", to raise the awareness of the youth in preserving folklore. This campaign was initiated on the basis of a course assignment, in the Concept and Campaign Management subject.
Ph. D. Edlira Mali is also a student counselor during this project, which has orientated students in every activity.
The mainstay of the table was the risk of losing our folk heritage. Researchers have expressed concern over the difficulty of overcoming folklore from generation to generation. Referring to the holders, almost a voice all agreed on the fact that the bearers are losing, while we are also losing a cultural heritage.
The round table was moderated by well-known journalist Anisa Ymeri, who joined the students' campaign for delivering Albanian folk values and traditions, while student Beklie Koltraka presented the concept of the "Ruaj traditën, festo shqip" campaign for the participants.
Campaign manager student Donisa Perseku thanked all the participants for participation while celebrating the reasons for undertaking such a campaign, starting from the needs of our society to preserve their roots.
Rector of Bedër University College during his greeting speech congratulated the students on the organized activity. "Youth value, which grows and is nurtured with all components of that nation," he added.
During the conversation was also discussed about the extraordinary values of folklore and the importance of its inheritance. Prof. Dr. Rahim Ombashi gave a very precious message to all those present, pointing out the importance of this meeting. "We take such initiatives because we have the opportunity and above all feel responsibility for the future. Do not forget the Albanian lute, the tradition, without them it would be something that went without a spirit, "said among other things. Meanwhile, the renowned writer Doc. Dr. Agron Tufa focused on the special elements of Albanian folklore that make our roots deep and impressive to anyone who experiences them.
An important part of the meeting was the importance of the lute, referring to the recent events as well. The collector and instrumentalist Ermal Sela, seeing the lute placed on the table, said that three of them are authentic Albanian, thus making the difference between the Albanian and the Serbian lute. Among other things, he said that due to the massivization are being produced Serbian lute as being Albanian. On this occasion, two renowned music guitars who played their musical instruments, Jonuz Delaj and Gjin Peplokaj, were invited to the table.
Ethnology and Anthropology Armanda Hysa stated that true folklore is not found in folk festivals, but at family celebrations and weddings. Also, researcher Ilirjana Kaceli mentioned the historical events of importance for the inheritance of our culture.
Meanwhile Genc Kastrati, choreographer of the State Ensemble, talked about Albanian folk dances showing their peculiarities. "Balkan dances are characterized by dynamical feet, while in the Albanian dance moves every part of the body." He further adds the explanation of the word dance through the word arbëreshe waves, explaining respectively the sensation that the Albanian dance is dynamic and elegant.
While the former ballet dancer and choreographer Lindita Kaimi, besides the nostalgia for the contests of the past years, as well as the memory of the discipline and the care that dances served, brought to the attention and diversity of the Albanian folk costumes, as well as the changes that are present in very close villages.
The student campaign has been joined by the renowned ballet dancer of the Opera and Ballet Theater, Isida Mollaymeri, who has supported the students in the steps of organizing the activities.
The campaign will continue with a contest of dances, where all interested parties are invited to apply for participation. The winners of the first three places of the competition will have the opportunity to perform at a grand concert with invited art personalities as well as other awards.