Develops its works the 3rd Students Conference in Law
Law Department at Hena e Plote Beder University in cooperation with Students Club "Beder Law Academy" held the 3rd Students Conference on the topic "Challenges of Justice in the Process of Integration in the European Union".
With the participation of about 18 students from the first and second study cycles, they workded under the guidance of teachers of the Law Department, by addressing various current topics that constitute the core of the debate today in the Albanian justice.
The conference was held in four sessions moderated by students of Master program, where in each session speakers who presented their works were awarded with certificates by the jury composed of university professors.
Besides certificates, the five best scientific works were evaluated with other awards.
1. Besarta Prenga, with the topic ‘’Challenges of Albanian legislation in the way of harmonization with EU legislation’’ was the winner of the first prize of 150 Euros.
2. Redneks Dushi , with the topic '' Corruption in Albania: important challenge towards European integration 'was awarded with the second prize of 125 Euros.
3. The winner of the third prize of 100 euros was student Silvana Belishta with the topic: ''Challenges of Justice in the path of European integration ''
4. The price of 75 Euros was given to student Marinel Bregu on the topic ‘’Judicial Reform: Challenges of Integration into the European Union’’
5. Elton Ruda, was the winner of 50 Euros on the topic ‘’The involvement of minors in cyber crimes’’
The innovation of the conference this year was the participation of law students from other universities in our country.