"Empower Youth, Prevent Violence!"
The Department of Education in KU Bedër, in cooperation with Women's Network "Equality in Decision-Making", organized today the training on "Empower Youth, Prevent Violence!".
Mrs. Edlira Çepani, head of the organization Women's Network "Equality in Decision Making" together with her team, and under the special care of lecturer Erilda Ajazi, realized this workshop with the participation of the students of Bedër University College. Education students, English language and literature as well as Communication Sciences students participated actively in the workshop, engaging in interactive activities and games related to the subject.
The workshop "Strengthen Young People, Prevent Violence!" aimed at informing young people and promoting healthy relationships between them and beyond in society. This workshop gave students the opportunity to discuss their role in defining healthy relationships among adolescents, stereotypes and gender roles, factors influencing the creation of abusive relationships, as well as the system of referral of cases of domestic violence and based gender.
Through this training, students explored issues related to:
• Gender roles and stereotypes.
• Romantic relationships and violence in early romantic relationships with young people.
• The phenomenon of bullying: determination of victim, aggressor and witness.
• Cyber Bullism: Social Media as a New Form of Abuse in Young People.
• Engagement of the influencers: peers, parents, teachers and psycho-social service.
• Reporting and providing assistance to cases of gender-based violence.