“Hëna e Plotë” (Bedër) University organized scientific Conference on: “Kosovo, 5 years of Independence: Challenges and Achievement”
“Hëna e Plotë” (Bedër) University held on 14 February 2013, scientific Conference on: “Kosovo, 5 years of Independence: Challenges and Achievement”.
As panelist discussing for “Kosovo, 5 years of Independence: Challenges and Achievement” were: Mr. Ferdinand Xhaferaj, Mr. Mark Marku, Mr. Hysamedin Feraj, Mr. Gëzim Podgorica and Mr. Niuton Mulleti. In the opening session were invited to deliver their greetings speech ex-prime minister during Kosovo crisis, Mr. Pandeli Majko and prominent of Albania history Mr. Arben Puto.
In the opening speech, the Rector of “Hëna e Plotë” (Bedër) University Dr. Ferdinand Gjana, while thanking panelist for their participation in the conference, emphasize the sacrifice afforded by Albanian for decades in order to celebrate Kosovo Independence Day. He added that “for Albanian Kosovo people were very difficult to achieve their freedom and in the same time they are facing difficulties to manage it due to internal problems. However, Kosovo and we with Kosovo, in this 5 year of independence are proud for what has achieved” emphasize Dr. Gjana
Ex – Prime Minister of Albania Mr. Pandeli Majko, a well-known figure in Kosovo due to his governments’ contribution at that time, focuses on the unjust decision made to Albanian nation eight decades ago and major role of USA in this process. “ President of USA Wilson made possible to maintain the existence of Albanian state during the Peace Conference held in Paris, whereas his descendant contributed in the independence of Kosovo” – he added.
Deputy Mark Marku spoke on the initiation for the creation of Kosovo nation and special language different form the actual one. “There are international politician actors that are interested to create a nation different from Albanian one – Kosovo nation. The problem is that the symbolism imposed on Kosovo state is completely new and purposely without any national reference” – he said.
Mr. Ferdinand Xhaferaj emphasizes the dangerous idea of possible division of Kosovo as Serbian politician pretends. According to him, such a step would provide an impetus for the destabilization of the region.
Arben Puto, a prominent historian, discussed “The past and the Future of Kosovo on the prism of International Law”. He added that “the division of Albanian territory in favor of the neighborhood during “London Conference” in 1912 was failed solution, a kind of satisfaction decision among the big powers that brought the First War World”.