ICES brings together researchers and scholars from 6 countries of the world

Department of Educational Sciences at Hena e Plote Beder University organized for the 4th consecutive year the International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES). Participants from 6 countries of the world took part at this conference refeering with over 70 papers that reflected their research work and studies in the field of education.
Head of the conference Dr. Tidita Abdurrahmani in her opening remarks brought into the spotlight the importance of educating the future generations and the difficulties, challenges and topicality of this field today. Later she made a brief summary of previous conferences and thanked the guests for attending this event.
Among the many topics addressed at the constituent session of the conference, some of them were: pedagogical innovations in education, joint international projects, general issues, composition of curricula, higher education, information and communication technologies, art & culture as part of the indivisible education, social sciences, research etc.
In his welcoming speech Rector Ferdinand Gjana said that he was excited about the fact that this conference, as any other conference organized at Hena e Plote Beder University has become a tradition which gathers every year researchers and academics from around the world.
The event continued with the presentation of works by numerous speakers in different sessions. The meeting was attended by students, professors and guest speakers.
ICES, as one of five international conferences organized every year at Hena e Plote Beder University, aims to bring together academics, researchers and professionals to share many different experiences and practical solutions in the field of education and beyond.