Innovative approaches in education and social sciences in the 21st century
The Department of Educational Sciences at University College Beder, hold the fifth consecutive International Conference on the topic: “Innovative approaches in education and social sciences in the 21st century”.
This edition of the conference comes as collaboration with “Aleksander Moisiu” University in Durrws, University, Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Tirana and University of Shkodra “Luigi Gurakuqi”.
The conference was held at the conference hall of University Collage Beder, and brought together academics and researchers from several countries of the region, such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Greece.
The conference’s referees were also welcomed by the speech of representatives and deans of faculties of education sciences at the collaborating institutions. Rector of University Collage Beder, Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Gjana, said in his speech that he was optimistic that the conclusions of the referee regarding fundamental issues facing the field of education and social intervention today, will bring into focus the most appropriate solutions to be applied in each case.
Further, the Dean of the Faculty of Education at Luigi Gurakuqi University in Shkodra, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatmir Vadohej, expressed his pleasure of being a cooperative institution in such platform to discuss the problems and new approaches faced in the field of education in the current century. He also expressed readiness for further expansion of inter-institutional cooperation in other similar organizations.
As Chairman of the Conference, Dr. Adem Balaban, after thanking the participants for their attendance at the event, underlined the importance of dealing with new approaches in the field of education and the social sciences in general. According to him, these two areas require continuous operation in terms of equipment with new assets, seen from the rapid scientific-education development.
The conference went further in different sessions. Among the many topics that were treated by participant referees, we can mention: The importance of the inclusion of information and the communication technology in education, The role of communication therapy in children with Down syndrome, The social dialogue in the transition of Albanian society, TV content in the education of generations and so on.
The conference was attended by many of new graduated students, as well as current students of the Department of Education Sciences that continue their studies at our institution.