International Fair, multicultural atmosphere in Beder

Dean of students in cooperation with Hena e Plote Beder University Student clubs, held the 3-rd International Fair , bringing a multicultural atmosphere in the premises of university. In the 16 stands were presented flags, symbols, international personalities, different cultures, traditional cuisine of the participating countries as well as the characteristic features of each representative state.
Like in the previous years, the event was attended by representatives of foreign embassies in Tirana, such as: the Ambassador of People's Republic of China Jiang Yu and Mr. Dmitry Krasakov, first secretary of the Russian Embassy. They visited the fair and appreciated the organization with the diversity of multicultural elements, by expresing their support in organizing such activities in the future.
The program continued with the presentation of culture, traditional coreography of countries of students origin, songs sung by local and foreign students as well as curiosities of states that were represented.
This activity aims to introduce different cultures by bringing together nations in a day and in a common environment. International Fair has become a tradition and a proof of coexistence and cultural diversity at Hena e Plote Beder University.