IWES 2014, gathers the leaders of nine universities in a discussion of psychosocial services in educational institutions
The Faculty of Philology and Educational Sciences at ''Hëna e Plotë'', (Bedër) University organized an international workshop IWES 2014 (1st International Workshop in Educational Sciences) with the theme "Perspectives of psychosocial services in educational institutions in Albania".
The workshop represents the first edition of a series of international workshops in the field of education. Organization of this kind will continue with other consultative meetings in the faculties of science education with other universities and in the region beyond.
The workshop was organized in the form of a round table discussion and consultation among the guests was related to the prospect of psychosocial services in Albania, and the challenges that this service currently faces. It was also related to the approaches of reforming the curriculas for the education of psychologists and social institutions staff in the higher education public and private institutions, in accordance with the requirements of the labor market.
It was conceived as a table of brainstorming and disclosure of scientific contributions to professionals of this fields, education specialists, academical and young researchers. In the format of the workshop were included an opening plenary session, three parallel sessions with presentations and discussion work groups and a closing plenary session with reports from the working groups.
Participants in this workshop were rectors, deans and faculty leading authorities on education and social science, faculties of higher education public and private institutions, representatives of lecturers and professors from different faculties of education, education specialists, school psychologists and representatives from civil society dealing with psycho-social service.
At the opening session of the workshop, gave their welcoming speech Dr . Ahmet Ecirli, Workshop Coordinator and Dean of the Faculty of Philology and Education,
Rector of Hëna e Plotë (Bedër) University, Dr Ferdinand Gjana, Prof.Dr.Dhori Kule, Rector of the University of Tirana, Prof.Paolo Ruatti, Rector of the Catholic University, Prof.Dr. Gëzim Dibra, Dean of the Faculty of Education, University Luigj Gurakuqi Shkodër, Prof.Dr.Vilson Kuri, Dean of the Faculty of Education, University Aleksandër Xhuvani,Elbasan, Prof.As.Dr. Kseanela Sotirofski, Dean of the Faculty of Education, University of Durres, Aleksandër Moisiu, Prof.Dr. Ali Jashari, Dean of the Faculty of Sciences of Education, Vicerector at Fan S.Noli University, Korcë.
Rectors and faculty governing authorities of education welcomed the initiative of the "Hëna e Plotë'' (Bedër) University and appreciated the selected topics for this organization. They also assessed the workshop as a good opportunity to exchange experiences.
They emphasized the importance of organizing such activities and the contribution that universities should provide in preparing skilled and capable individuals that have the same spirit of academic exchange.
Furthermore, they asked for that kind of atmosphere to be shown in other faculties in Albania and wider. Also they launched the idea of increasing the number of internal training with psycho-social themes to make sure that certain teachers join school psychologists and social workers operating in these institutions by increasing the service quality and efficiency of psycho-social offer.
Participants and contributors to the education session for discussion raised issues such as the lack of undergraduate teacher preparation in psychosocial aspects, lack of training, lack of continuing professional groups for school psychologists and social workers, the need for strengthening the parent-school-social workers partnership, the need for organizing training of teachers for psycho-social issues through the recovery of internal professional networks, creating spaces for teachers to engage in collaborative teams in school etc.
In the session of services and social policies in educational institutions, it was discussed about various shortcomings of this service in Albania. After discussion, the academics, specialists in this field, concluded that for a more efficent psychosocial service it is important the policy formation for gender balance in educational institutions, the formation of social policy for the recovery of social services in educational institutions, as well as it was stated the lack of social services for recovery and the respect of national values in our country.
Phycological service session discussions were focused on the current state of psychological services in pre university education, where it was evident the treatment of problems of the status of school psychologists, image, importance and recognition of their profession from the academic community. Participants and contributors proposed the unification of the branch of psychology curriculum in all faculties of education, as well as the continuation of these scientific and research activities similar to activities organized by " Hëna e Plotë " (Bedër) University.