Joint Seminar with Agency for Research, Technology and Innovation
Project Coordination Office at "Hёna e Plotё" (Bedёr) University organized a seminar related to research projects, where were invited experts from Agency for Research, Technology and Innovation, to discuss the European Programme Horizon 2020 Euraxess, JRC and the European Cart for researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of researchers. The objective of this seminar was to inform the applicants and the academic staff with the European programs that fund the research and development projects.
The European Commission has dedicated a special importance Scientific Research in the region and Enlargement of the European Research Area. Horizon 2020, Joint Research Centre - JRC, Network Euraxess are the programs used in order to achieve this objective.
European Horizon 2020 program, offers many opportunities for funding of research projects including all social and scientific fields. This program has available a budget of 80 billion Euro which is expected to be obtained from the Research Project Proposals that are declared winner.
Joint Research Centres - JRC have a duty to provide scientific and technical support for the development of projects, implementation and control of EU policies. JRC possesses diverse analytical capabilities, a series of highly specialized laboratories, facilities and modern measuring instruments. JRC focuses on normative context, the development of measurement standards and support on key areas such as energy, transport, information, chemistry and biotechnology. Also it provides support in the formulation of economic policies and fiscal market. JRC makes available the laboratories that are highly specialized and is open to all forms of cooperation.
Euraxes network aims the increasing of the mobility of Albanian researchers by providing jobs in different fields. While the European Charter for Researchers and a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers disciplines and regulates employment and the rights of the applicant.
The seminar was attended by a large number of professors and researchers from various fields . The seminar had a positive impact in terms of awareness regarding the research field, through the introduction of staff members with a major European programs that support research projects. This workshop also gave the applicants the opportunity to establish contacts with experts and get direct information about the ways of financing the research and projects.