Justice students organize "Stimulus Trial"
Within the subject "Comparative Legal Systems", the third year bachelor students of the Department of Justice organized a simulation trial with a view to practical implementation of classroom lessons and their adaptation to real world situations.
Judging by a judge and judging by the jury is one of the main differences between Civil Law and Common Law, so it is important to understand the differences between them in order to understand more clearly and how these two legal systems work. The simulation trial contained most of the elements of a real trial, including the handling of witnesses and testimonies, and the giving of arguments before a jury, which will give the final verdict.
Through this project students had the opportunity to look into practice, how to argue in cases before a jury and understand how jury trial works. The simulation trial was organized with the support of students from the Department of Islamic Sciences, the Department of English Language and Literature, the Department of Education Sciences and the Department of Communication Sciences, whose students were members of the jury.
At the end of the simulation trial, members of the jury, after a lengthy discussion, also provided the final verdict on the case.