Kolana "Zani i Naltë" in the seminar "When the books speak" IV
The Department of Islamic Sciences in cooperation with the student club "The Message of Life" in the framework of the continuation of the seminar cycle "When the Books Speak", have developed today by dt. 17 January 2018, the fourth meeting, where they discussed about the work of Kolana "Zani i Naltë" (1923-1939) with invited the Dean of the Faculty of Human Sciences Prof. Assoc. Dr. Rahim Ombashi.
During the event, under the moderator of the club "Message of Life", student Haki Sahitaj, Head of Islamic Department of Islamic Sciences Genti Kruja and Ombashi professor discussed with the students about Kolana "Zani i Naltë".
Dr. Genti Kruja presented a general overview of magazine history, articles of various fields of Islamic and Social Sciences. He also talked about the remarkable stencils of this magazine from the Albanian Muslim scholars of the 20-30th century XX, as well as for the still-current messages that follow even today after 95 years since its foundation.
Meanwhile, the special guest of this activity Prof. Assoc. Dr. Rahim Ombashi, made an analysis of the contents of the magazine, highlighting the importance that she had and has for the Muslim community of Albanians in all areas, and in particular for the stored values of Albanian Language. Meanwhile, he invited all students from the Department of Islamic Sciences to use the materials of the magazines "Zani i Naltë" to support their scientific research in the future.
This activity was attended by lecturers and students of the Department of Islamic Sciences.
The cycle of seminars "When the books talk" will continue over the next few weeks with other guests who will analyze and converse with students on a variety of works by different authors.