Open lecture: ''International arbitration and the Albanian state''
Department of Justice at "Hёna e Plotё" (Bedёr) University organized an open lecture with theme ''International arbitration and Albanian state''. Students from Bachelor and Master program got closely known with the role of Albanian State's Attorney, represented by Armer Juka. During the lecture he spoke on practice of arbitration and the main instruments for development.
During the lecture Mr.Juka said that the establishment of Albanian state in relation to foreign investment and private international market is associated with different challenges, related to the contracts that are signed either as in the position of state contractor in the field of investments, as well as shareholder in the field of different services. Investment arbitration and legal instruments were the main focus of the lecture and through the discussion of several cases that were illustrated by Mr.Juka the legal structure of arbitration in Albania got explained, also there were made some terminological vocabulary explanations, ranging from jurisdiction to the extent of, as well as its exercise.
The case Burimi Srl and Eagle Games SH.AK - Albanian Republic (ICSID the issue no. ARB/11/18) pointed out not only the development of an arbitration case, but in general its development in Albania. Students had the possibility of asking questions, related to arbitration in general, but also the issue between CEZ and the Albanian state that led to different debates and this in the general intention related to the overall organization of the event, as well as to create a scientific environment much closer to the students' legal profile.