Promotion of Practical guide for Journalists during Electoral Campaigns
A manual outlining practical rules for the activity of journalists during election campaigns, has been promoted to the premises of the “Hëna e Plotë” (Bedër) University. Practical Guide "Deontology and Ethics of Reporting during the election Campaign”, a joint work of the two professors of the department of communication at the “Hëna e Plotë” (Bedër) University, Briseida Mema and Ramadan Cipuri, aims to help all journalists that follow and reflect the activity of political parties during the election campaign.
In the promotion ceremony of this publication were present French Ambassador in Albania, Mrs.Christine Moro, Ambassador of Switzerland. Mr. Alexander Wittwer, President of the Union of Journalists, Mr. Aleksander Cipa, as well as journalists and students of the department of communication.
Ambassador Moreau, in her speech, considered this publication is a major contribution made to the community of journalists in this election campaign time. She said that the guide will be useful for journalists to report on the activities of the campaign in the most professional manner. "Freedom of the press during election campaigns especially is closely linked to democracy: the journalist has a duty to inform citizens about the programs and activities of the parties. This is the theme of the Handbook, which was directed to journalists and aims to help and respect their ethics and duties: It provides examples of how to work by sticking to the principle of objectivity. Guide reminds us of the need to verify information, the receipt and consideration of the context of events in perspective view. During election periods is very important to avoid the pitfalls, then what makes the difference between information and propaganda or manipulation "- said Mrs. Moro.
Meanwhile, Ambassador of Switzerland, Mr. Wittwer, stressed the importance of the media in conveying as much objectivity of political activities as they can. He said that the publication is a concrete contribution in this regard and hoped that serve not only reporters on the ground, but the leaders of the media, as well as political subjects involved in this campaign.
Co-authors of this publication, Briseida Mema, in her speech, as underlined the importance of this publication, especially thanked the French Embassy and the organization "Reporters without Borders" for the support and understanding they showed, in this manual adjustment according to the Albanian reality.