Regional Workshop
Within the Day of World Press Freedom, Department of Communication Sciences at Hëna e Plotë (Bedër) University in collaboration with the Union of Journalists, organized the Regional Workshop on the theme "Media language of Albanian speaking media".
This event was attended by about 40 representatives of media in Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia, mostly visual media, print and online media, as well as a significant number of students from department of communication sciences.
Keynote speakers at this Panel were the prominent analysts Lutfi Dervish and Kim Mehmeti. It should also be noted that throughout this activity all the participants shared their opinions, professional experiences as well as refereed to a series of cases about the theme of the workshop.
The first who held his welcoming speech to the attendants was the leader of the panel, at the same time, head of the Department of Communication Sciences at Hëna e Plotë (Bedër) University Mr. Ramadan Çipuri. After welcoming the participants, he started talking about the workshop theme and made a short summary about the importance and the actuality of media in albanian speaking territories.
Mr. Lutfi Dervishi, analyst and at the same time editor in chief at Vision Plus Tv, made his discussion mainly on problems and issues that plague currently albanian speaking media in the region. He emphasized the media economy and its effects, not only to journalists but also to journalism that is offered as a consequence of this fact.
The known analyst Mr. Kim Mehmeti made a description and an analysis of the current situation in the region of albanian speaking media, talking about commonalities that these medias have, as well as about the ways that could be found to fill them with elements that have been so far absent.
Mr. Aleksander Cipa, Chairman of the Union of Journalists, stressed out the point of finding a common language for the albanian speaking media and collaboration on improving the conditions in which journalism is made today in Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia.
The activity continued with numerous discussions about the topic of the workshop.