Scientific conference held on topic: “25 years Drita Islame”
Professors of University College Beder, referred in the scientific conference “25 years Drita Islame” organized by Muslim Community of Albania on the occasion of 25-th anniversary of this magazine.
Held in the premises of “Tirana International Hotel” the conference brought together representatives of religion communities from Albania, Kosovo and the region, academic’s, researcher’s etc. Also we mention here the participation of the President of the Republic of Albania Mr. Bujar Nishani, Mufti of Kosovo Mr. Naim Tërnava, Gostivar mufti, Mr. Shaqir Fetahu, Head of the State Committee on Cults Mrs. Loreta Aliko etc.
In his greeting speech, the president Mr. Bujar Nishani, evaluated the high contribution of this magazine in religious and national education of the generations, from it’s beginning till nowdays.
“There’s been more than 25 years since the sun rised over the fog which stayed so long over our country, our people, our houses, our souls and over our beliefs. This magazine shined over our lives like the earth in the sun light”- he said.
Further, he decorated the magazine with the golden medal “Naim Frashëri” giving this price to the Director of Muslim Community of Albania, H. Skender Bruçaj.
Congratulating all those who gave and countinously give contribution in the magazine’s continuance, Mr. Bruçaj, expressed his conviction on the briefings, high standards of publications and in the mission for a better future of the magazine.
“In this anniversary of it’s foundation, “Drita Islame” magazine comes with the desire to enter in every Muslim home, and why not in every Albanian one, which want to learn even though a few about Muslim’s, their life and their mission”- he said.
Conference went further in different sessions, in which we have to mention the diversity of the topic’s brought in focus by the speakers, especially: The Rector of University College Beder, Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Gjana, Dean of the Faculty of Philology and Education, Prof. Assoc. Dr. Rahim Ombashi, Head of Islamic Sciences Department, Dr. Genti Kruja, Head of Communication Sciences Dr. Ramadan Çipuri, Dr. Agron Tufa etc.
In the end, Muslim Community representatives delivered acknowledgment certificates to magazine’s contributor over the years.