The Fourth Student Conference in Law “Law and Society”
Student Club “Bedër Law Academy” for the fourth year organized the Student Conference “Law and Society”.
The Chairman of the Parliamentary Group regarding Health and Social Affairs, Mrs. Albana Vokshi, welcomed the proceedings of this conference. In her address, Ms. Vokshi praised the initiative of the youths in the organization of such a scientific event in collegiate level. According to Mrs. Vokshi, in order to maintain the balance in society it is indispensable not only drafting good laws, but their implementation by responsible individuals as well.
The conference assembled students from several universities in our country, such as: “Luigi Gurakuqi” in Shkodër, University of Tirana, European University of Tirana etc.
27 young researchers presented their topics in front of a jury consisting of professors and specialists in the field of Bedër. The student Albi Ccela was awarded the first prize, while the master student Ilmi Leka was awarded the second prize. Sonila Rrahmani, Ornela Bego and Bora Kola respectively won the third prizes.
This is the first collegiate forum in Albania where students present and discuss regarding the current developments, trends and concerns, the practical challenges being encountered and the solutions adopted in law and society.