Students of Law Departament represent Albania in the International Criminal Court in Hague

Law Departament at Hena e Plote Beder University will represent our country for the second consecutive year in the stimulating competition in the International Criminal Court in Hague. Students: Jonida Shtylla, Fatjona Halaj, Helena Dokaj, Amarildo Hoxha, Endri Cela and Kelmend Nezha constitute the competitive team in this international competition.
Competition of the judicial stimulation of the International Criminal Court will be held from 17 to 22 May 2015 in Hague, Netherlands. This competition welcomes universities from around the world, to a large extent of debate, stimulating the work of the International Criminal Court. The competition consists of a program of education and social development of six days, bringing together students with different backgrounds and cultures in Hague, to challenge their skills as future international lawyers.
The final round is predicted to take place in an actual courtroom panel of the International Criminal Court. The competition includes cooperation with the international court judges, professors of international law and other legal professionals. This network makes the competition a real incentive session held at the International Criminal Court. Competition addresses fundamental issues of international criminal law as well as procedural and substantive issues.
57 teams from 38 different countries of the world are enrolled in the this year’s edition of the judicial competition stimulation at the International Criminal Court. This is the second team, after the group of students who participated in Jessup competition in Washington, which was held from 5 to 11 April 2015.
Supporting students in activities within and outside the country and enabling them to compete with their peers around the world, it is one of the main priorities of Hena e Plote Beder University.