"Teacher of the Year 2013" Award given to Teacher: Arian Gani

“Hëna e Plotë” (Bedër) University has given the award “Teacher of the Year 2013”In a special ceremony held in the university environment, the teacher of the School of Foreign Languages, " Ali dhe Mahmud Cungu" in Elbasan, Mr. Arian Gani is given the price for their contribution over the years in teaching.
Selecting the best teachers in 2013 was conducted after a two-month phase survey in all schools. This is the second year that the “Hëna e Plotë” (Bedër) University organizes the ceremony for the price “teacher of the year”. The project "Teacher of the Year" was initiated by the Faculty of Philology and Education, to assess the role of teachers in educating the youth and promoting positive values that teacher represent. “Hëna e Plotë” (Bedër) University awarded Mr. Arian Gani, with evaluation certificate and a financial reward.
In his speech, Dean of the Faculty of Philology and Education, Dr. Ahmet Ecirli underlined the important role of teachers in educating new generations noting that assessment of their contribution to society is an obligation.
Rector of the university, Dr.Ferdinand Gjana during the awards ceremony highlighted the invaluable contribution that Albanian teachers give at every school in the country. According to him there are many teachers who deserve special recognition. "We are confident that in the coming years, this project will be consolidated and will turn into a beautiful tradition where every year we will to honor the most prominent names of Albanian education," said Dr.Ferdinand Gjana.
Then, Preschool Education Director at the Ministry of Education and Science, Mr. Fatmir Vejsiu expressed his enthusiasm about the project for the evaluation of teachers in 2013. He said the project initiated by “Hëna e Plotë” (Bedër) University, is a valuable initiative and serves as a positive example to be followed by other educational institutions in the country.