The 4-th International Conference on Language and Literature takes place

Language and Literature Department in Beder Higher Education Institution, organized for the 4-th consecutive year the international conference on language and literature on the topic: “In Memory of Sami Frashëri”.
The opening ceremony of the conference was developed in the school premisses, where participated over then 80 referenc’es from different country’s of the world, dozens of academics, and also a considered number of students and guests.
The conference was greeted from the cooperating institiutions representatives, as: Dr. Hasan Gökçe, General Director of “Yağmur” magazine in Turkey, Prof. Dr. Vilson Kurti, Aleksandër Xhuvani University in Elbasan, Prof. Dr. Ardian Marashi, Director of Albanological Studies in Tirana.
The Rector of Beder, Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Gjana, after congratuleted the collaborators of the conference for it’s organization year by year, with different topics, added that: “In our school , seminars, different scientific activities and international conferences occupy a very important place, this is clearly showed from their ongoing”.
“The life and the work of Sami Frashëri, in patriotic, intelectual, academic and linguistic aspect was left to both nations and has surved in their development. This personality knew how to convert his intelectual work in action, this value is what has gathered us together today to disscus in this kind of platforms”.
The conference chairman, Dr. Adem Balaban, in his opening speech, after thanked all the participants that answered in a positive way to his invitation to participate in this activity, added that: “Sami Frashëri dedicated his whole life to the field of literature, his multidemensional figure and his linguistic works are too important not only in albanian language but also in turkish language. His commemoration is a benefit for all of us”.
While the director of albanologic studies, Prof.Dr Ardian Marashi, after expressed his pleasure on being cooperative in the organising such a valuable activity stressed that: “This is the right moment that a personality as Sami Frashëri not to be seen as allocated for what he gave to Turkey or what he gave to Albania, he was one and only, and with that human and scientific unity, I belive that we should see him in purpose to benefit both nations, the Turks and the Albanians”.
As keynote speaker in this conference were the wellknown researchers: Prof. Dr.M. Nejat Sefercioğlu, Girne American University, Prof. Dr. Ferit Duka, Europian University in Tirana, Prof.Dr. Nuri Yüce, Istanbul University.
After opening ceremony, the conference continues it’s activity on the 2 upcoming days, where the participants will present their scientifis works in different sessions.