The Artistic Program "The Last Messenger of the Unseen"

The Department of Islamic Sciences in cooperation with student clubs: "Oasis Hope", "Message of Life" and "Music Club" organized an activity in memory of the birth of Prophet Muhammad. The "The last messenger of the unseen" artistic program featured a number of artistic points, such as reading the Qur'an, songs, poems, theatrical pieces etc.
The activity was opened by reading a part of the Qur'an by the student of Islamic Sciences Fatijon Shemshedini. Then Msc. Hekuran Uzuni, a professor at the Department of Islamic Sciences, said in his greeting speech: "Knowledge is one of the most valuable legacies our prophets have left us, and we, as the seeker of that knowledge, must make a claim."
Under the moderation of the students Sefer Vrana and Enxhi Hasmeta the program continued with the interpretation of ilahis, poems and theatrical parts by the students of Islamic Sciences that reflected the time when the Prophet Muhammad lived and conveyed some valuable messages to the presents.
To the program was invited also the deputy head of the Muslim Community Mr. Laurel Luli, who thanked the organizers and the attendees. In his greeting speech, he said: "It would be good if the echo of the voice of Prophet Muhammad to continue, to rise, to beautify, and to be more present in our lives will otherwise it was a bigger loss." He emphasized the fact that such activities should be more frequent because in such activities we make it possible to recall the importance of knowing the prophets.
While the Dean of the Faculty of Human Sciences Prof. Dr. Asoc Rahim Ombashi thanking the organizers for the realization of this program, stressed that such joys make us feel more fulfilled spiritually.
This activity was attended by the Dean of Students, Kasim Ilhan, Head of Islamic Sciences Department. Genti Kruja, heads of other departments like, Dr. Erlis Çela and Dr. Isa Erbas, as well as numerous lecturers and students from Bedër University Colege.
The program was closed with an interpretation of some parts of Mevludi by Msc. Veton Tulla and student Abdullah Ziba. After the activity, the students of the Department of Islamic Sciences organized a food fair, the proceeds from the sale of which will help the families affected by the floods.