Winners of the Third Creative Youth English Essay Contest announced
The Department of English Language and Literature in Bedër University in collaboration with the British Council in Albania organized the awards ceremony for the Third Creative Youth English Essay Contest (YCEEC).
After 3 successful editions of this platform, the contest confirms its objective of promoting youth reading, expressing and creativity again by evaluating the perfection of the phrase and imagination development.
In his welcoming speech the Head of the Department of English Language and Literature Dr. Mahmut Terci admitted that the current students are the prospective politicians. By promoting their organizational skills and by sharing their experiences with one another, they show their potential in and abroad the country every day.
The topic of this edition was: “One of the basic human rights is to reach up-to-date information any time they need. Still, such necessity arises somewhat excessively in today`s world resulting in adverse effects of irrelevant, redundant and low-value information also known as Information Pollution, which might have a negative effect on our daily activities and manifest itself in broad and various formats.”
Thus, the pupils: Joana LAME, Pegi KOÇI and Fiona MANJA won the first, second and third prices respectively and were awarded with an iPad each. Whereas, other participants were awarded with certificates of participation.
The Fourth Student Conference in Law “Law and Society”
Student Club “Bedër Law Academy” for the fourth year organized the Student Conference “Law and Society”.
The Chairman of the Parliamentary Group regarding Health and Social Affairs, Mrs. Albana Vokshi, welcomed the proceedings of this conference. In her address, Ms. Vokshi praised the initiative of the youths in the organization of such a scientific event in collegiate level. According to Mrs. Vokshi, in order to maintain the balance in society it is indispensable not only drafting good laws, but their implementation by responsible individuals as well.
The conference assembled students from several universities in our country, such as: “Luigi Gurakuqi” in Shkodër, University of Tirana, European University of Tirana etc.
27 young researchers presented their topics in front of a jury consisting of professors and specialists in the field of Bedër. The student Albi Ccela was awarded the first prize, while the master student Ilmi Leka was awarded the second prize. Sonila Rrahmani, Ornela Bego and Bora Kola respectively won the third prizes.
This is the first collegiate forum in Albania where students present and discuss regarding the current developments, trends and concerns, the practical challenges being encountered and the solutions adopted in law and society.
Scientific Symposium on thesis: “The Creation and Man as its Custodian”
The Department of Islamic Sciences, Bedër University in collaboration with Catholic Theological Institute in Interdiocesaan Seminary in Shkodër and Orthodox Theology Academy in Durrës organized the scientific symposium “The Creation and Man as its Custodian”.
The Dean of Orthodox Theology Academy, His Eminence Nikolla Hyka, the rector of Bedër University Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Gjana, the Director of Catholic Theological Institute Father Mario Imperatori, and the Bishop of Albanian Orthodox Church of America in Boston, His Eminence Ilia welcomed the proceedings of this activity.
Mr. Veton Tulla, lecturer in the Department of Islamic Sciences in Bedër University, preceded the activity with his references after the greeting speech of those aforementioned. He referred to the topic “The Creation Is the Main Argument for the Existence of God”, Mr. Lorenzo Rosseti, lecturer in the Catholic Theological Institute, to the topic “The Care of the Nature for a Real Progress”, and Natan Hoppe, lecturer in Orthodox Theology Academy to the topic “The Creation, Communion with God”.
Prof. Dr. Ayhan Tekineş, the Dean of the Faculty of Human Sciences in Bedër University, Dr. Genti Kruja, lecturer in the Department of Islamic Sciences and Director of Culture and Interreligious Dialogue in MCA, Dr. Atakan Derelioğlu, the Head of the Department of Islamic Sciences in Bedër University, and lecturers and students from the three theological schools participated in the activity as well.
Following the referrals, the attending students from the 3 institutions directed different questions to the referrers that contributed to the interactivity of the symposium.
This organization comes as a result of an academic collaboration between the higher education institutions of theology in the form of seminars and open lectures with the students of each school and, recently, the symposium “Freedom of religion and interfaith dialogue in Albania” organized by three major theological institutions that took part in Bedër University.
Mrs. Milena Harito invited to a conversation with communication students
The Minister of Innovation and Public Administration, Mrs. Milena Harito, participated in an open lecture with the students of the Department of Communication Sciences. They discussed concerning the new legal framework for the regulation of online media.
The Rector of Bedër University, Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Gjana and the Head of the Department of Communication Sciences, Dr. Ramadan Çipuri participated in the activity among the numerous students and professors.
During the discussion with the students, Mrs. Harito discussed about different legal aspects about online media such as the changes on public behaviour and transaction in web media and web portals that follow this law, identification of every online service, automatic filtering of specific contents, acknowledgment of the Albanian language by Google for its advertising platforms, provision of Albanian portals with additional incomes etc. Being ascertained that the Albanian speaking portals have expanded considerably the last 3-4 years, this is done in order to further strengthening them altogether.
“As regards to e-commerce, it is not a new invention we are doing. It is a European directive that exists in Western countries, and that is, at the same time, under a constant evolution. We are enabling the approximation of the developments of this directive even in Albania.”- said Mrs. Harito.
The activity proceeded with numerous questions by the attendants that were interested about the various aspects regarding the developments that will follow this law in terms of online informing.