Ambassador Lu, meeting with students at "Bedër" University College
The United States Ambassador in Tirana, Donald Lu, held an open meeting with students at "Bedër" University College, focusing on the Albanian model of interreligious harmony, coexistence and dialogue.
Initially, the students representing four senior academic institutions delivered their message: Enxhi Hasmeta, "Bedër" University College, Erjeta Çela, Catholic University "Zoja e Këshillit të Mirë"; Kristabela Goga, Theological Orthodox Academy; and Zef Marku, Catholic Theological Institute. In their messages, students shared impressions from similar meetings that had been held before, as well as experiences from their personal life.
Ambassador Donald Lu congratulated such initiatives. He also mentioned his own family as an example of religious coexistence.
During the speech, the American ambassador motivated young people to continue on the path of tolerance and religious coexistence. "I know that all of you will be part of the generation that will end the violence justified by religion," added Mr. Lu.
The meeting with the students continued with the question-answer section, where the United States Ambassador in Tirana, Donald Lu, along with other attendees, stressed the important role young people play in advancing the Albanian society.
"One more book for Presheva"
Second year students in the Master's degree program in Communication Sciences, in "Bedër" University College, presented the sensitizing campaign "Another book for Presheva". The initiative brought together personalities of different fields, representatives of the academic world, politics, journalism and civil society.
The honorary guest in this activity, the Mayor of Presheva, Mr. Shqipërim Arifi, shared with the audience the good news that, finally, is resolving the many years of problematic lack of Albanian textbooks for the students in Presheva, Medvegja and Bujanovac. The most important local leader in the Presheva Valley demanded more attention and commitment from Albania for this region, considering the student initiative for collecting books and teaching tools as a special symbol.
Rector of the "Bedër" University College, Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Gjana expressed his maximum appreciation for the student campaign and besides three scholarships for the Presheva Valley high school students, promised further support for the students. Deputy Minister of Education, Youth and Sports of Albania, Shpati Kolgega considered the campaign "Another book for Presheva", a spiritually innovative initiative that brings together Albanian youths in Albania and abroad. Mr. Kolgega pledged his commitment to the nationwide initiative with the involvement of other schools and universities.
Publicist and pedagogue Agron Tufa provided the concrete example of assistance in this campaign by donating 200 books. The other guests congratulated the initiative and expressed their commitment to this initiative. In a few days of initiative, individuals and businesses have collected about a thousand books and a considerable amount of money, which will be sent by the students of the "Bedër" University College in the Presheva Valley schools in early March.
Elections of the Governing Board of the Students Council
Today, on January 18, 2018, was held the first meeting of the Student Council, where the main point of the agenda of the meeting was the election of the leadership.
During the meeting, by the vote of the new senators, the President, the 2 deputy presidents, and the Secretary of the Student Council were elected.
The Student Council is an independent organization of students at "Bedër" University College, which promotes participation and coordinates the representation of their ideas and opinions in the governing bodies, the teaching and research structures and the university services.
Kolana "Zani i Naltë" in the seminar "When the books speak" IV
The Department of Islamic Sciences in cooperation with the student club "The Message of Life" in the framework of the continuation of the seminar cycle "When the Books Speak", have developed today by dt. 17 January 2018, the fourth meeting, where they discussed about the work of Kolana "Zani i Naltë" (1923-1939) with invited the Dean of the Faculty of Human Sciences Prof. Assoc. Dr. Rahim Ombashi.
During the event, under the moderator of the club "Message of Life", student Haki Sahitaj, Head of Islamic Department of Islamic Sciences Genti Kruja and Ombashi professor discussed with the students about Kolana "Zani i Naltë".
Dr. Genti Kruja presented a general overview of magazine history, articles of various fields of Islamic and Social Sciences. He also talked about the remarkable stencils of this magazine from the Albanian Muslim scholars of the 20-30th century XX, as well as for the still-current messages that follow even today after 95 years since its foundation.
Meanwhile, the special guest of this activity Prof. Assoc. Dr. Rahim Ombashi, made an analysis of the contents of the magazine, highlighting the importance that she had and has for the Muslim community of Albanians in all areas, and in particular for the stored values of Albanian Language. Meanwhile, he invited all students from the Department of Islamic Sciences to use the materials of the magazines "Zani i Naltë" to support their scientific research in the future.
This activity was attended by lecturers and students of the Department of Islamic Sciences.
The cycle of seminars "When the books talk" will continue over the next few weeks with other guests who will analyze and converse with students on a variety of works by different authors.